Embrace the Power of the Full Moon Release Ritual with the Triple Moon Goddesses Artemis, Selene, Hekate

Triple Moon Goddesses
The Triple Moon Goddesses represent the three primary phases of the moon—waxing, full, and waning—and embody different aspects of womanhood and feminine power. These goddesses correspond to Artemis, Selene, and Hekate.
Goddess Artemis represents the New and Waxing Moon phases. She is the goddess of wildness, wild animals, the hunt, vegetation, chastity, and childbirth. She taps into our primal emotional world, where we may respond in survival mode. This cardinal energy is associated with the maiden, teenager, and rebel—those who are still learning through trial and error, with optimism and full of potential. She is often depicted with a bow and arrow, signifying her connection to hunting and her fierce independence.
Goddess Selene is the goddess and personification of the Moon, associated with the Full Moon phase. She drives a chariot drawn by a pair of winged horses across the night sky, illuminating the highest points of our being and embodying the fullness of the moon. Selene is linked to the deeper experience of emotional wisdom, confidence, and maturity gained through life's experiences. She guides us to the third expression of Goddess Hekate.
Hekate is the goddess of the Waning Moon and the Dark Moon. She is associated with magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. Hekate represents the crone aspect, symbolizing wisdom and maturity. Her energy is linked to higher vibrational light that illuminates our shadow side, offering pathways to deeper emotional understanding and wisdom. She embodies integrity and personal responsibility for our emotional worlds.
Full Moon Release Ritual
The Full Moon represents a time of culmination and completion. It is a period when the moon is fully illuminated, symbolizing clarity, illumination, and peak energy. During this phase, emotions and intentions that have been building up reach their fullest expression, symbolizing the time we'll see intentions manifest in our lives. It's true that more babies are born on the Full Moon!
On the other hand, it’s also an ideal time for reflection, gratitude for what has manifested, and releasing what no longer serves us. The Full Moon's light can reveal insights and truths, helping us understand the results of our efforts and the direction we need to take moving forward. This phase is associated with heightened intuition, emotional intensity, and a bridge between the Sun (our outer expression) and the Moon (our inner expression).
This ritual will guide you through connecting with the energy of the Full Moon and the wisdom of the Triple Moon Goddesses: Artemis, Selene, and Hekate.
Materials Needed:
A quiet, comfortable space
A silver or white candle
A piece of paper and a pen
A bowl of water
Matches or a lighter
Meditation Ritual
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, find your center, and relax.
Light the candle and place it in front of you. As you light the candle, say:
"I call upon Goddess Artemis, who represents the New and Waxing Moon phases. I call upon Goddess Selene, who embodies the Full Moon phase. I call upon Goddess Hekate, who guides us through the Waning and Dark Moon phases. The Triple Moon Goddesses, be with me now, guiding and supporting me in this ritual of release and illumination."
Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths. With each inhale, imagine breathing in silver moonlight. With each exhale, imagine releasing any tension or negativity. Continue this for a few minutes until you feel calm and centered.
Open your eyes and take the piece of paper and pen. Reflect on what you want to release from your life. This could be a habit, a thought pattern, an emotion, or anything that no longer serves your highest good. Write down everything you wish to release on the paper. Tear the paper into pieces for each of the things you wrote. As you tear the paper, feel the emotions associated with these things and allow yourself to fully experience them.
Hold the pieces of paper in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize the Full Moon above you, illuminating you with its silvery light. Imagine this light cleansing and purifying you, washing away everything you wish to release. When you feel ready, for each thing that you want to release, say:
"Under the light of the Full Moon, [read what you wrote], I release."
Carefully burn the pieces of paper using the candle flame. Place the burning paper into the bowl of water to extinguish it safely. As the paper burns and transforms, visualize the energy of what you are releasing being transmuted into light. As the smoke rises, it fades away.
Take a moment to express gratitude for the insights and clarity gained during this ritual. Say:
"Thank you, Goddess Artemis, Goddess Selene, and Goddess Hekate, for your guidance and support. May the light of the Full Moon continue to illuminate my path."
Blow out the candle, symbolizing the end of the ritual. Sit quietly for a few moments, feeling the sense of release and renewal.
How does it feel?
After the ritual, take time to reflect and crystallize this energy. How did you feel before and after the ritual? What insights or emotions surfaced during the ritual? What do you intend to invite into your life now that you have created space by releasing what no longer serves you?
The Full Moon Release Ritual is a beautiful practice to help us let go of old energies and make space for new growth. By connecting with the Triple Moon Goddesses, we tap into the powerful feminine energies that guide us through different phases of our lives. Embrace this ritual regularly to align with the moon's cycles and harness its transformative power.
I also prepared workbook for you to accompany this ritual. Sign up to receive Free Full Moon Release workbook here!
This Full Moon ritual is a collaboration with my workshop partner, Astrology and Tarot Alchemist Dawn. She will be demonstrating the ritual live on her YouTube channel, so be sure to visit her channel, like, and subscribe! We are also excited to announce our upcoming Asteroid Goddesses Astrology Workshop this fall. Stay tuned for more details and updates!
I am now getting through with you in this moon phase journey, thank you, I love you